
Schema of Service

The proposed schema which will act as the skeleton for the service.

1. application_oauth_scopes

Field Description
applications_id Application to which the scope belongs
name Name of the scope
description Description of the scope
created_at Time when the scope was created
updated_at Time when the scope was last updated

2. application_roles

Field Description
applications_id Application to which the role belongs
description Description of the role
is_default Whether the role is default or not
is_super_role Whether it is an admin role
name Name of the role
created_at Time when the role was created
updated_at Time when the role was last updated

3. applications

Field Description
active Whether the application is in service or not
data Configurations of the application
name Name of the application
tenants_id Tenant to which the application belongs
created_at Time when the application was created
updated_at Time when the application was last updated

4. tenants

Field Description
access_token_signing_keys_id ID of the key used to sign access tokens
id_token_signing_keys_id ID of the key used to sign identity tokens
name Name of the tenant
data Configurations and extra settings of the tenant
created_at Time when the tenant was created
updated_at Time when the tenant was last updated

5. user_registration

Field Description
applications_id ID of the application
authentication_token Token created while authenticating the user
password Password of the user
data Stores tokens and preferred languages
created_at Time when the user was registered
last_login_instant Last login time of the user
updated_at Time when the user registration was last updated

6. users

Field Description
tenant_id Tenant to which the user belongs
active Whether the user is active or not
data Extra data of the user
expiry Expiry time of the user
created_at Time when the user was created
updated_at Time when the user was last updated
email Email of the user

7. keys/JWKS

Field Description
algorithm Algorithm used
certificate Certificate of the key
issuer The issuer of the key
kid Key identifier for JWKS
private_key Private key used to sign the JWT/JWKS
public_key Public key used to sign the JWT/JWKS
secret Secret for the public/private key pair
created_at Time when the key was created
updated_at Time when the key was last updated

8. groups

Field Description
tenant_id Tenant to which the group belongs
name Name of the group
created_at Time when the group was created
updated_at Time when the group was last updated

9. group_members

Field Description
user_id ID of the user
group_id ID of the group to which the user belongs
created_at Time when the user joined the group

10. group_application_roles

Field Description
application_roles_id ID of the role which is assigned to a group
group_id ID of the group to which a particular role belongs

11. refresh_tokens

Field Description
id ID of the entry
applications_id Application to which the token belongs
expiry Time when the refresh token expires
data Extra data of the refresh token
created_at Time when the refresh token was created
start_instant Instant when the token was last refreshed/renewed
tenant_id ID of the tenant to which this token belongs
token Actual refresh token
token_hash Hash of the token (currently not used)
token_text Text representation of the token (currently not used)
user_id User to whom this refresh token belongs

Additional Tables


Field Description
application_id ID of the application
hostname Hostname for the public key
public_key Public key value
created_at Time when the public key was created
updated_at Time when the public key was updated


Field Description
username Username of the admin
password Password of the admin